So I found an old picture........and my was I such an idiot .__.
nonetheless this picture managed to make me clinch 3rd place in the Kinder bueno competition and I was 2 votes away from being 2nd...Goddamn web designer,you should improve the standards of the website man! Haha.
So all right today was rather fine I suppose....I woke up at an ungodly hour and obviously I had nothing to do,so I practically rotted all the way till my parents invited me out for breakfast.....We were considered early and so we had to burn time. In the end I ended up ice skating with little sister and gosh it was boring.....I couldn't even leave my eyes on her for even a second...And sadly we only skated for 20 minutes and the staff were asking questions why I'm going off so early. So here was my 1 word reply "Eat" HAHAHAHAHA. So we ate at manhattan fish market? Did I spelled it right? And shortly after a very random movie...veryy...
Anyway I'm loving the laptop that I got. I mean goddamn! It has lights under the keyboards. Something like alienware but OMG its nice. In my opinion. HAHHAH. So I was supposed to have supper but my buddy backed out and I'm not sure wheter I'm going to the gym later or not Or having a friendly soccer match. Fuck...we really do need to work on our management. Hoho. I think that is all left to say...-Informal post is as informal as it can get. Farewell :D